Facts You Must Be Familiar with before Shifting to New Zealand

Published Categorized as Immigration Consultants, Visa Consultants

New Zealand has a lot to offer apart from long white beaches and long White Mountains.

1.      The Population Is Too Less

If you want a place with fewer human beings, New Zealand will be ideal for you. In a nation that is about 20,000 sq km bigger than the UK, there are just 4.8 million people. Compare that with the 66.5 million people in the UK. Moreover, about 86 percent of New Zealanders reside in city areas; hence, the rural area is quite vacant. For many of us, it means “abandoned”; for others, it is amazingly “human-less.”


2.      Their Accent Is Pretty Unique

The accent in New Zealand could be quite puzzling for the novel immigrants. A New Zealander can sound South African, Australian, and American within the space of 5 words. If you are looking to settle there, you must forget everything you have ever studied on the subject of vowel sounds in school. An ‘I’ sounds more like ‘uh,’ which means “trip” becomes “trup.” In the meantime, an ‘e’ sounds more like an ‘I,’ which can form a big bunch of misunderstandings- “red” sounds like “rid,” and “bread” sounds like “bried.” This could be one of the reasons for not moving to New Zealand.

3.      Changeable Climate

New Zealand can be somewhat close to Australia’s sizzling and sunny ground, but the weather here is very diverse. Not only NZ has less extreme temperature than Australia, but it’s also likely for them to have “four seasons in one day.” Check out some most consistent immigration consultants in Bahrain if you want to experience such a unique Kiwi climate.

4.      Walking Barefoot Is Normal

We all know boots are just terrible foot jails. They cost cash, they stink, they can cause blisters, and no one admires the difficulty of selecting which pair to put on. The New Zealander way out is simply not to put on any. In this country, you will see that some people step out of their homes barefooted, and it is absolutely common there.

You’ll witness people visiting the supermarkets, streets, and cafes absolutely barefoot and without caring about anything. This has something to do with New Zealanders being very carefree, and also the Māori principle that being barefoot gets you nearer to the natural world. If you are strolling barefooted and stepping on dog poo, don’t criticize; you only engage within nature, actually. Embrace it but make sure to clean it before you enter the supermarket or cafe.

In Short:

What can be the most general reasons for not moving to New Zealand? Reach out to the most reputed immigration consultants in Bahrain and increase your odds of your visa getting approved by the immigration authority. Ask the immigration consultants regarding which visa type will suit you the best.